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Results for subject term "Individuals": 39

Joshua Slocum and his sloop SPRAY arrived in Erie Basin, October 2, 1900 to Manning's Dock. He is said to be the first person to sail around the world alone, without even a cat or dog for companionship. Joshua Slocum was unfortunately lost at sea 10...

Michael Gallagher, last General Manager of New York Shipyard, successor to Todd Shipyard, interviewed two weeks before selling the site to IKEA, talks about the shipyard, its history and final days.  Gallagher represents the 5th generation of his...

John Gladsky is the definition of a colorful old salt.  He is a marine salvor and the principal of Gladsky Marine and has an old-time Long Island accent. His oral history expresses nostalgia for the Todd Shipyard and criticism of public policy that...

Alf Dyrland was Captain of the MARY A. WHALEN from her rechristening in 1962 until 1978 when he retired. He was her first captain; she was his last boat.   Alf loved the MARY deeply.  As he lay dying in 1996, what he said out loud...

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