Atlantic Basin Water Critters & Water Quality Tests
Watch the super short videos below to learn about small marine life and how to test for some water conditions next to PortSide's ship the MARY A. WHALEN. Below that, info about larger animal life in, on and around the waterfront in Atlantic Basin,...
Great Blue Heron, 2018
November 6, 2018, the PortSide crew spots a great blue heron in Atlantic Basin for the first time. So exciting! More about them here Also: Guide to Harbor Herons and Other...
Chiclet and Night Heron, 2018
Ducks in Dirty Water, 2018
A few ducks and geese are often to be found in the waters of Atlantic Basin in the the Spring and Summer. The ducks in this video, shot from the aft end of the MARY WHALEN, are swimming in water near the City's combined sewer overflow pipe. The...
Swallows in Red Hook
Swallows live under the piers with fendering (wooden cross piece's of piers) and like the dock lines and mast and stack stays on the Mary Whalen They arrive around April 9 and leave around August 23
Buffleheads In Atlantic Basin
Buoyant, monogamous, punctual, small! Meet the bufflehead, our winter duck friends in Atlantic Basin, Red Hook, and Brooklyn
Night Heron
Night herons live around the Red Hook shoreline. PortSide staff have seen them in Erie Basin (this photo is in the O'Connell's marina), Atlantic Basin, and the Red Hook Container Terminal. As their name implies, they usually fish at night, and are...