Red Hook 'Whisky' Kills Four More, 1922

Four Red Hook residents died from poisoned whisky and three were arrested for selling bad liquor.

Michael Keenan, 41, a truckman living at 135 Dykeman Street, became blind and is at the Long Island College Hospital. Last night the police arrested Mrs. Iremlinda Vatala, 33, who has a grocery store at the corner of Conover and Sullivan Streets, and her clerks, Michael Caslero, 33, and Mrs. Adelaide Reale, 40, 112 Sullivan Street, on charges of homicide, and Ciro Laura, who keeps a bicycle store in the Sullivan Street place, on a charge of violating the MullanGage law. In both places, the police said, they found a quantity of liquor. Detectives on Inspector McDonald's staff last night raided the home of Thomas Olsen, a carpenter, living in the basement at 13 Cole street, Brooklyn, which is in the vicinity of the Red Hook section. They were attracted by a large crowd, members of which took turn about peering through a large window. A woman was dancing in scanty attire. Five men and two women were arrested and a bottle of liquor seized. Ten empty bottles were found in the place. District Attorney Ruston, who is investigating the deaths, said: "The police and I are working in the close co-operation and we are going to stop the sale of this poisonous liquor. If it is necessary we will sift this thing to the bottom to fix responsibility. It is a very difficult and complicated situation."…


Sep. 6, 1922



  • The New York Times

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