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Results for subject term "Art and Literature": 45

From the artist Paul Morris: I'm a NYC based photographic artist who is reconstructing reality. As I see these images, my mind immediately starts to restructure and rearrange them. Photography is my way of capturing these images to create my art....

From the artist Paul Morris: I'm a NYC based photographic artist who is reconstructing reality. As I see these images, my mind immediately starts to restructure and rearrange them. Photography is my way of capturing these images to create my art....

From the artist Paul Morris: I'm a NYC based photographic artist who is reconstructing reality. As I see these images, my mind immediately starts to restructure and rearrange them. Photography is my way of capturing these images to create my art....

From the artist Paul Morris: I'm a NYC based photographic artist who is reconstructing reality. As I see these images, my mind immediately starts to restructure and rearrange them. Photography is my way of capturing these images to create my art....

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